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This Standard covers underhung cranes, top-runningbridge and gantry cranes with underhung trolleys, travelingwallcranes, jib cranes, monorail systems, overheadhoists, and hoists with integral trolleys used in nuclearfacilities. All of the above cranes, whether single or multiplegirder, are covered by this Standard with the exceptionof multiple-girder cranes with both top-runningbridge and trolley, which are covered by ASME NOG-1.
Product Details
- Published:
- 06/30/2016
- ISBN(s):
- 9780791870679
- ANSI Approved
- Number of Pages:
- 162
- File Size:
- 1 file , 3.9 MB
- Redline File Size:
- 2 files , 13 MB