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The ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals has provided limited solar heat gain data on a variety of fenestration products. This data is inadequate when it comes to angularly selective products. This project is needed to analyze the solar radiant heat gain of a wide variety of shading systems used in combination with different commonly used glazing types.

The objective of this research project is to obtain the necessary angle-dependent SHGC data for the most commonly used angle-dependent products and provide engineers and consultants with this data in the form of tabulated data and curve-fit equations. The curve-fit equations, matched to the measured, data will enable the user to easily determine SHGC data for directions of incidence or profile angles using available computer programs.

The data produced by this research project will provide information for architects, engineers, specifiers, and energy analyzers for evaluation of these products on new and existing buildings.

File Size: 3.57MB (3,752,960 bytes)

Connection SpeedEstimated Time
Dial-up (56K)8 min, 56 sec
ISDN (128K)3 min, 54 sec
DSL/Cable (768K)0 min, 39 sec
T1 (1.5M)0 min, 19 sec

Product Details

File Size:
1 file , 5.3 MB
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